There are many reasons why you should market your property with Another Way Of Life
We invest heavily in marketing and attract well-resourced buyers from all over the world including from Japan, the U.S.A., Hong Kong and the Middle East as well as our traditional markets of northern, western and central Europe.

When we get to the stage of negotiating an offer, we do our utmost to get you the best price without losing the confidence of the buyer. Experience has taught us how delicate this can be. It is fundamental to our way of working that we are honest intermediaries. We are not sales people. We bring together serious buyers and keen sellers to negotiate an outcome with which both parties are happy. Occasionally, we will not even pass an offer to a seller if we believe it is insulting. We are not interested in buyers who merely look to get a property, any property, at the lowest price they can squeeze out of a seller who may be in a difficult situation.
When we get to the stage of negotiating an offer, we do our utmost to get you the best price without losing the confidence of the buyer. Experience has taught us how delicate this can be. It is fundamental to our way of working that we are honest intermediaries. We are not sales people. We bring together serious buyer and keen sellers to negotiate an outcome with which both parties are happy. Occasionally, we will not even pass an offer to a seller if we believe it is insulting. We are not interested in buyers who merely look to get a property, any property, at the lowest price they can squeeze out of a seller who may be in a difficult situation.

Websites, like shopfronts, need to keep pace with trends. Even though we frequently receive compliments on the excellence of our web presence, we constantly look to renew our sites to take advantage of new technologies. And we constantly seek better ways to present properties and to get yours in front of as many serious buyers as possible.

Whether we use your photos or our own, we do our very best to show your property in its best light. The photos on our website are large and there is no limit to the number we can show. We do not take photos when it is raining, nor when the sky is grey. If the weather conditions are not good when we visit your property for the first time, we’ll come back a second time when they are. In Andalucia we enjoy 300 - 320 days of sunshine each year. There can be no excuse for photos that do not show this.
Whether we use your photos or our own, we do our very best to show your property in its best light. The photos on our website are large and there is no limit to the number we can show. We do not take photos when it is raining, nor when the sky is grey. If the weather conditions are not good when we visit your property for the first time, we’ll come back a second time when they are. In Andalucia we enjoy 300 - 320 days of sunshine each year. There can be no excuse for photos that do not show this.

We have been successfully marketing properties in the Albayzin for almost twenty years and know both the barrio and many of its properties intimately. In some cases, we have sold the same property more than once. We point buyers to those properties that meet their needs and do not waste everyone's time showing inappropriate properties merely to use up buyers' time and pretend to the seller we are actively working.

All of our partners speak Spanish and English and can understand and explain the contents of your escritura, plan catastral, etc. We can advise you on changes necessary and even draft certain documents for you.
All of our partners speak Spanish and English and can understand and explain the contents of your escritura, plan catastral, etc. We can advise you on changes necessary and even draft certain documents for you.

Our properties are all different and each has its own unique characteristics, both negative and positive. There is no easy measure such as price per m2 built when assessing what price any property might fetch. Other factors such as the amount of outside space, whether gardens or patios, the presence or absence of mature plants and trees, the views, the ease of vehicle access to the property, the potential for income from tourism etc. etc. With almost twenty years of experience we can assess the price at which the property is likely to attract a buyer in the prevailing climate.

As well as publishing your property on our websites, we also subscribe to around 12 international property portals such as Kyero, James Edition, Thinkspain, etc. These portals take our entire portfolio every night. We also send out our newsletters, in five different languages, every twenty days to over 4.000 clients who have contacted us directly and we are active on social media.
As well as publishing your property on our websites, we also subscribe to around 12 international property portals such as Kyero, James Edition, Thinkspain, etc. These portals take our entire portfolio every night. We also send out our newsletters, in five different languages, every twenty days to almost 3.000 clients who have contacted us; we publish online catalogues grouped by themes to enable our clients to view rapidly those properties that fulfil their criteria; and we are active on social media.

There are frequently discrepancies in the title deeds of country properties. Often the owners themselves are unaware of this and are surprised when, having found an interested buyer, the buyer’s lawyer advises them to walk away as the property is not fully legal. It is the seller’s responsibility to rectify any defects in title, but in most cases our sellers do not hire a lawyer in order to save the expense. Because of our excellent relationship with certain highly competent lawyers who we recommend to buyers, the buyer’s lawyer will often undertake the necessary rectifications. That way, your potential buyer will never be told to walk away.

Before you can sign at the Notary, he will need evidence that you have paid or are paying the agreed price. This is usually demonstrated by a copy of the deposit transfer and a bank draft for the balance. In order that you (or your lawyer if you have transferred funds to his/her client account) can instruct a Spanish bank to prepare the draft you will need to have sent the funds to Spain. Don’t do so via a bank, you will lose money and they will take longer to make the transfer. There are several currency trading companies, mostly based in the U.K., who are governed under the same regime as the major banks. They offer much better rates, don’t charge commission and can offer same day transfers. Once you have the cheque ready, you can sign at the Notary and both take possession of, and legal title to, your property. This is the beginning of what we hope will be a wonderful adventure. You will need to acclimatise, get to know your neighbours and do whatever jobs are necessary. We will be there to assist in whatever way you need. A plumber? Help with paperwork? We will point you in the right direction and introduce you to the relevant people.